Legal advice and assistance for:

Revenue liability and proceedings before the Court of Auditors

The organizational evolution of Public Administration involves accounting judgments not only concerning public employees in the “classic” sense of the term as private companies, individuals with access to work positions without needing to participate in a competition for public employment. It also now includes freelance professionals, managers (such as directors) and accounting entities (such as auditors), private companies that have benefited from public funding and external consultants involved in administrative procedures.

In this context, we provide assistance with:

  • Pre-trial reporting, declaring revenue liability as well as notices of damage and warnings.
  • Pre-trial access to the preliminary file at the Regional Court, drafting pleadings in response to the invitation to explain, as well as during any hearing.
  • Pre-trial instruction and protective proceedings.
  • Assessing any conditions for the public entity to intervene in the accounting trial.
  • Assessing any conditions and consequences of adhering to a possible out-of-court settlement.
  • Drafting defence documents in the trial phase with participation in public hearings.
  • Determining a lack of accounting jurisdiction in favour of the ordinary judge and any reemployment judgement proceedings before the ordinary judge.
  • Objecting to the accounting judge.
  • Finding a lack of territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Court, objection and incompetence of the investigation accounting officer.
  • Judgements before the Court of Cassation, both for a preventive appeal for lack of jurisdiction (during an accounting trial) and an appeal against the judgement of the jurisdictional appeal.
  • Relations and possible disputes with insurance companies that hold policies to guarantee revenue liability.
  • In appeal and revocatory judgements of jurisdictional decisions.
  • In any configuration of image damage.
  • In account judgments.
  • In pension judgments.

We assist relationships between public and private sector organisations.

Studio legale Piselli and Partners

We analyze your individual case to understand your needs.

Studio legale Piselli and Partners offre consulenza giuridica

We propose a tailor made plan of action.

Studio legale Piselli and Partners offre consulenza giuridica

We remain at your side throughout each phase of the process.

Contact us for an immediate interview.

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