Legal advice and assistance for:
Corporate Finance
Piselli & Partners specialises in four areas of Corporate Finance: Strategy, Structuring, Asset Allocation, Fund Raising & Enhancement.
For Strategy we deal with:
- Formalizing the project.
- Preliminary checks on the competition.
- Strategic plans.
For Structuring:
- Defining new corporate structures to achieve strategic and financial objectives.
- Defining investment vehicles, consistent with the group’s financial objectives.
- Identifying Corporate Governance principles.
- Optimizing Risk Management.
For Asset Allocation:
- Identifying investment allocations by target and defining optimal debt/equity (leverage) ratios.
- Scouting for investment opportunities.
- Verifying and/or drawing up business plans.
- Competitive analysis of target competitors.
- Valuing and evaluating investment opportunities.
- Assistance in finding strategic partners.
For Fund Raising & Enhancement:
- Search for potential buyers.
- Expansion of credit lines.
- Assistance with bank credit lines.
We work for the success of your business.
We analyze your individual case to understand your needs.
We propose a tailor made plan of action.
We remain at your side throughout each phase of the process.
Contact us for an immediate interview.