Energy and sustainable development
Real Estate
Healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology


Italian, English, French

Graduated in Law with honors from La Sapienza University, Rome and a PhD in Public Enforcement at the University of Teramo in 2001.

Since 2013 he has been Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Legal Sciences in the Faculty of Law at La Sapienza University and Director of the 2nd Level Masters in Environmental Law for the same Department.
Since 2018 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Specialist School for the legal professions at La Sapienza.
Appointed ‘Honorary Profesor’ by the Universidad César Vallejo of Lima, June 2019.

He has been a lawyer for the Court of Cassation (Italian Supreme Court) since February 2015.

From December 2011 to March 2013 he was Technical Secretariat Deputy Head for the Undersecretary of State in the Monti Government.
After winning a public competition, he has been a career director for the Antitrust Authority since February 2001. In 2008, the Authority appointed him Head of the Relations with Public Institutions Office and in 2009 Head of the Conflict of Interest Department, able to apply Law 215 / 2004.

Author of publications on the analogy and interpretative power of judges; public contracts; judicial review; judicial protection; advisory activities in public administration and competition. He has also published economic and legal analysis of regulation, public assets, cultural assets, environment, conflicts of interest and corruption, administrative process and public companies, law and artificial intelligence. In particular he has written two detailed studies: Disciplina della concorrenza e diritto amministrativo (Competition and administrative law), Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 2008; I beni pubblici. Imperativi del mercato e diritti della collettività (Public goods. Market imperatives and collective rights), Jovene Editore, Naples, 2015.
Together with Maurizio Meschino he has also edited Le Società partecipate dopo la Riforma Madia, Commento organico al D.lgs. 19 agosto 2016, n. 175, Dike, Giuridica editrice, Rome, 2016; L’esecuzione dei contratti pubblici, Guida alle regole del rapporto contrattuale alla luce del decreto correttivo n.56/2017, Dike, Giuridica editrice, Rome, 2017; I nuovi appalti pubblici di servizi e forniture, Dike, Giuridica editrice, Rome, 2017; Il partenariato pubblico-privato e le concessioni. Guida alla normativa alla luce del decreto correttivo n. 56/2017, Dike, Giuridica editrice, Rome, 2017.

National and international conference speaker on specialization.

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